
Group: DynoMotion Message: 13296 From: almexpress Date: 5/23/2016
Subject: Closing the control loop -_help_-

Greetings to everyone,

Would someone happen to have any info in how to connect my feedback signals from my three DELTA ASDA-A2 servo drives into the KFLOP controller card? 

Please refer to the attached diagram to see the 3 options that Delta is offering.  Which one of the three wiring options will work best and be more robust for the KFLOP controller? 

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Group: DynoMotion Message: 13297 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/23/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_- [1 Attachment]

Hi Peloflex,

Have you read this:





On 5/23/2016 4:07 PM, almexpress@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Greetings to everyone,

Would someone happen to have any info in how to connect my feedback signals from my three DELTA ASDA-A2 servo drives into the KFLOP controller card? 

Please refer to the attached diagram to see the 3 options that Delta is offering.  Which one of the three wiring options will work best and be more robust for the KFLOP controller? 

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Group: DynoMotion Message: 13310 From: almexpress Date: 5/25/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_- [1 Attachment]

Dear Tom,

I am afraid I am still not getting enough understanding to be able to wire up my two sides.  Encoder and KFLOP.  All I am getting at this point is that KFLOP only accepts single ended signals but is not clear if our servo drives will offer that type of signal, because if it doesn´t I will have to turn around to unpack our Kanalog board and use it.

And so far that is what I am getting at,  I will integrate out Kanalog board into the game, I am assuming there would be no problem using the inputs from JP1 for the A-/A, B-/B signals and JP2 for wiring the Z-/Z signals, that is what Kanalog manual says and seems to be clear enough. 

What is not so clear to me, since I am now forced to undo and re-route the Step and Direction KFLOP outputs driving the servos (I was using the connector JP7 with a self made ribbon cable with molex in one side and flying leads in the other) (see picture) but now I need to go back to using that same JP7 connector with its original ribbon cable to connect with Kanalog.  My question is how the KFLOP is going to handle this?  But I will just wire it up as planned and see how it comes out.

Please any advice will be very well appreciated.



Group: DynoMotion Message: 13311 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/25/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_- [2 Attachments]

Hi Peloflex,

You are correct, KFLOP by itself only accepts single ended signals.  The Differential Line Driver signals that your drive outputs are basically like a pair of single ended signals that are complements of each other.  You can just use one of them as a single ended signal and connect it directly to KFLOP (and leave the complimentary signal disconnected from anything).  The KFLOP single ended inputs on JP7 and JP5 are high impedance so you may want to add some termination resistance (ie 200 ohms) to GND very near KFLOP to avoid signal ringing and so forth.  Cables should be as short as possible and shielded.

Differential signals are superior to single ended signals because they have high immunity to common mode noise.  This is because any noise injected to both complimentary signals will be ignored.  So using Kanalog's differential inputs would be the preferred solution.

This does create a problem by normally consuming KFLOP JP7 and JP5 that has the Step/Dir Outputs that you need.  One solution is to disconnect KFLOP JP5 from Kanalog to allow JP5 to be used as the Step/Dir signals from your drives.  The single ended Z Index pulse outputs coming out Kanalog JP9 can be re routed to Kanalog JP12 inputs. 

See this related recent post.



On 5/25/2016 3:00 PM, almexpress@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Dear Tom,

I am afraid I am still not getting enough understanding to be able to wire up my two sides.  Encoder and KFLOP.  All I am getting at this point is that KFLOP only accepts single ended signals but is not clear if our servo drives will offer that type of signal, because if it doesn´t I will have to turn around to unpack our Kanalog board and use it.

And so far that is what I am getting at,  I will integrate out Kanalog board into the game, I am assuming there would be no problem using the inputs from JP1 for the A-/A, B-/B signals and JP2 for wiring the Z-/Z signals, that is what Kanalog manual says and seems to be clear enough. 

What is not so clear to me, since I am now forced to undo and re-route the Step and Direction KFLOP outputs driving the servos (I was using the connector JP7 with a self made ribbon cable with molex in one side and flying leads in the other) (see picture) but now I need to go back to using that same JP7 connector with its original ribbon cable to connect with Kanalog.  My question is how the KFLOP is going to handle this?  But I will just wire it up as planned and see how it comes out.

Please any advice will be very well appreciated.



Group: DynoMotion Message: 13312 From: almexpress Date: 5/30/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_- [2 Attachments]

Hello Tom,

I am not surprised at all, you as usual providing the golden information right on time!  Thank you!

I apologize for taking long in answering, I was away for the weekend.

I would like to add a couple of thoughts/comments to this thread about something that is still not very clear to me.

So far, I have been able to run the servo motors; correct me if I am wrong; directly from KFLOP´s  JP7 GPI/O port outputs IO8 through IO13 and even though I had the JP5 connector connected to the KSTEP board's JP26 connector, to the best of my knowledge, this connection was not doing anything to this setup.  In fact, just to make sure, I have unplugged this connector between KFLOP JP5 and KSTEP JP26 and still KFLOP can run my three servo motors, and this is where I am getting a bit lost, because I am not completely getting the reason why I cannot still be able to leave JP5 connected to JP9 (KFLOP-Kanalog).

As far as I can see, the step and dir. pulses are being sent through connector JP7 only, that leaves JP5 free for routing any signals that needs to be routed between KFLOP and Kanalog. Does this makes any sense?

Thanks once again!  I do greatly appreciate your support and patience.

Best regards,


Group: DynoMotion Message: 13316 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/31/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_-

Hi Peloflex,

Regarding both KFLOP JP7 and JP5 connected to KStep:  KStep can receive 4 Step/Dir signals from KFLOP JP7 or JP5.  But you should never connect both.  If you do it still might work if output on only one or the other are ever configured.   Note KFLOP JP7 also provides power, enable, and all the I/O for all the extra KStep I/O.  JP5 only provides Step/Dir signals only.

Kanalog must be connected to KFLOP JP7.  There are several hundred data bits of I/O that are communicated between KFLOP and Kanalog every 90us servo sample using KFLOP JP7 using a somewhat complex serial/parallel proprietary protocol.   KFLOP JP5 will not work for that.

The 16 differential receiver signals (1 MHz encoder inputs) on Kanalog are passed more or less straight through to KFLOP using 16 I/O pins.  Normally 8 to KFLOP JP7 for Kanalog JP1, and 8 to KFLOP JP5 for Kanalog JP2.

You can use KFLOP JP5 to provide 4 sets of Step/Dir signals to KStep.  However completely disconnecting JP5 from Kanalog will result in the loss of 8 differential Kanalog Inputs leaving only 8 available on Kanalog JP1.  Because you have 3 axes with A B and Z encoder signals 3x3=9 differential inputs are required.  You will be one short.

So here is my understanding of your situation:

#1 you wish to used Kanalog so it must be connected to KFLOP JP7

#2 because of #1 you cannot use JP7 for your KStep instead use KFLOP JP5

#3 to be able to use at least 1 differential input on Kanalog JP2 route at least one signal coming out Kanalog JP9 to some other high impedance Input such as Kanalog JP12 pin 1.

Sorry it is so confusing.

On 5/30/2016 4:04 PM, almexpress@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Hello Tom,

I am not surprised at all, you as usual providing the golden information right on time!  Thank you!

I apologize for taking long in answering, I was away for the weekend.

I would like to add a couple of thoughts/comments to this thread about something that is still not very clear to me.

So far, I have been able to run the servo motors; correct me if I am wrong; directly from KFLOP´s  JP7 GPI/O port outputs IO8 through IO13 and even though I had the JP5 connector connected to the KSTEP board's JP26 connector, to the best of my knowledge, this connection was not doing anything to this setup.  In fact, just to make sure, I have unplugged this connector between KFLOP JP5 and KSTEP JP26 and still KFLOP can run my three servo motors, and this is where I am getting a bit lost, because I am not completely getting the reason why I cannot still be able to leave JP5 connected to JP9 (KFLOP-Kanalog).

As far as I can see, the step and dir. pulses are being sent through connector JP7 only, that leaves JP5 free for routing any signals that needs to be routed between KFLOP and Kanalog. Does this makes any sense?

Thanks once again!  I do greatly appreciate your support and patience.

Best regards,


Group: DynoMotion Message: 13322 From: almexpress Date: 6/1/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_-

Dear Tom,

It is all more clear now.  For what I see, this is what needs to be done: 

First of all, I will not be using our KStep with this setup for now. I will put it back in the box until next project coming soon.

Setup then will be composed by KFlop and Kanalog. controlling our three Delta servo drives.

And according to what I have understood so far, the connections will be as follow:

1.- Step and Dir signals for driving DELTA servomotors sent by KFLOP directly to DELTA servo amps, using JP7 GPIO  IO8 - IO13 (pins 15 - 20)

2.- Servomotors enconder feedback signals sent through Kananlog JP1 differencial inputs, 4 wires each servo drive (OA,/OA - OB,/OB) For a total of 12 differential inputs taken. leaving 4 unused at JP1. (+A3,-A3,+B3,-B3)

Here I make a pause to ask you a question,  Could I use these 4 unused inputs to wire the three Z axis signals as single ended?  Or should be better to route all 6 wires through JP2, now that we know that JP5 is hooked up to JP9 down to Kanalog. ?

I now need to reroute my Step and Dir. signals through Kanalog outputs. I will see how can that be done, I hope I will not be bugging your for help on that one. 




Group: DynoMotion Message: 13323 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/1/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_-
Hi Peloflex,

Well no, try again :)

Kanalog doesn't have any Step/Dir Outputs. 


On Jun 1, 2016, at 1:36 PM, almexpress@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


Dear Tom,

It is all more clear now.  For what I see, this is what needs to be done: 

First of all, I will not be using our KStep with this setup for now. I will put it back in the box until next project coming soon.

Setup then will be composed by KFlop and Kanalog. controlling our three Delta servo drives.

And according to what I have understood so far, the connections will be as follow:

1.- Step and Dir signals for driving DELTA servomotors sent by KFLOP directly to DELTA servo amps, using JP7 GPIO  IO8 - IO13 (pins 15 - 20)

2.- Servomotors enconder feedback signals sent through Kananlog JP1 differencial inputs, 4 wires each servo drive (OA,/OA - OB,/OB) For a total of 12 differential inputs taken. leaving 4 unused at JP1. (+A3,-A3,+B3,-B3)

Here I make a pause to ask you a question,  Could I use these 4 unused inputs to wire the three Z axis signals as single ended?  Or should be better to route all 6 wires through JP2, now that we know that JP5 is hooked up to JP9 down to Kanalog. ?

I now need to reroute my Step and Dir. signals through Kanalog outputs. I will see how can that be done, I hope I will not be bugging your for help on that one. 




Group: DynoMotion Message: 13324 From: almexpress Date: 6/1/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_-

Bummer!  So that leaves me two options,

1.- To try to implement the solution you have suggested on an earlier message, where I go back to using both Kanalog and KStep,

2.- To turn a whole 180° and try to implement analog control for the servo drives.   I remember at some point in your very first email, you mentioned that Analog control was the most robust and efficient method or this type of setup, but you also said it was more complex.  I wonder now if is time for me to face that challenge.

Look forward to hear your comments as usual,



Group: DynoMotion Message: 13329 From: almexpress Date: 6/3/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_-

Hello Tom,

Quick question,  I am now opting for using KFLOP JP5 for sending Step and Dir signal to the servo amps. I was using JP7 before. Now, where do I get the digital ground that I was getting from pins 25 and 26 (JP7) before.?   I am looking at JP5 connector diagram and all the pins are for Step and Dir. with no grounds.

Thanks!  Best regards,


Group: DynoMotion Message: 13330 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/3/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_-

Hi Peloflex,

You can use GND from any connector or the KFLOP GND Lug hole.



On 6/3/2016 11:47 AM, almexpress@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Hello Tom,

Quick question,  I am now opting for using KFLOP JP5 for sending Step and Dir signal to the servo amps. I was using JP7 before. Now, where do I get the digital ground that I was getting from pins 25 and 26 (JP7) before.?   I am looking at JP5 connector diagram and all the pins are for Step and Dir. with no grounds.

Thanks!  Best regards,


Group: DynoMotion Message: 13331 From: almexpress Date: 6/3/2016
Subject: Re: Closing the control loop -_help_-

Thank you!!

Have a great weekend!

