Hello Tom,
I am not surprised at all, you as usual providing the
golden information right on time! Thank you!
I apologize for taking long in answering, I was away for
the weekend.
I would like to add a couple of thoughts/comments to this
thread about something that is still not very clear to me.
So far, I have been able to run the servo motors; correct
me if I am wrong; directly from KFLOP´s JP7 GPI/O port
outputs IO8 through IO13 and even though I had the JP5
connector connected to the KSTEP board's JP26 connector,
to the best of my knowledge, this connection was not doing
anything to this setup. In fact, just to make sure, I
have unplugged this connector between KFLOP JP5 and KSTEP
JP26 and still KFLOP can run my three servo motors, and
this is where I am getting a bit lost, because I am not
completely getting the reason why I cannot still be able
to leave JP5 connected to JP9 (KFLOP-Kanalog).
As far as I can see, the step and dir. pulses are being
sent through connector JP7 only, that leaves JP5 free for
routing any signals that needs to be routed between KFLOP
and Kanalog. Does this makes any sense?
Thanks once again! I do greatly appreciate your support
and patience.
Best regards,